It’s good to talk

Our six Creative Mentors have been busy training. Visual artist Ellen Gillett describes the initial session in the first of our Mentors’ blog posts.

Ellen Gillet, visual artist, SCEP Creative Mentor
Ellen Gillett, visual artist, SCEP Creative Mentor

It is rare, outside of therapy; intimate conversations with friends; or job interviews, that we get a chance to talk about ourselves and our creative practice. We are conditioned to believe that as adults it is rude or self-centered to spend too much time talking about oneself.

The first session of Creative Mentor training was, therefore, a rare pleasure in that we were afforded the opportunity to speak about ourselves, our creative practice and what motivates and drives us, in a friendly and supportive environment. This was truly beneficial as it allowed us to stop and reflect on why we do what we do, and where it might all be heading.

In the same manner, we got to hear exciting stories, insights and personal observations from other creatives, across a broad range of creative disciplines. This was enriching due to the information and stories they shared but also really encouraging as this group of people is the team that we will be collaborating with for the next six months in order to deliver this exciting mentorship project.

Artwork by Ellen Gillett

In that first week we also were introduced to some activity-based techniques and icebreakers for engaging groups of mentees. We began to learn how we might use tools like these to encourage participation, learn about our mentees and break down boundaries between us and a group and between the participants themselves.

The second week built on what we had learnt in the first, expanding what we know about each other’s motivations to join the project. The main focus for the week’s session was learning about the landscape of Southampton and the surrounding area, in terms of provision and services for young people, arts organizations that operate in the area, and how all of these initiatives link and join up. We also delved into different types of organisational structures, how they might be funded and considerations for creatives working within these networks: ideas such as boundary setting, copyright and intellectual property considerations, and the concept of safeguarding.

Overall, the enthusiasm and creativity of those involved with this project; the forward-thinking, inclusive, and continually reflective teaching style; and the exciting hints about what’s in store has made me feel truly enthused about being part of this project and look forward to our next session.

Ellen Gillett

The Southampton Cultural Education Partnership’s (SCEP) objective is to develop a cohort of Creative Mentors as local role models in Southampton, who will work directly with and inspire Children and Young People, including those from at risk, marginalised backgrounds or NEET (not in employment education or training).

Continue reading It’s good to talk

SCEP EXPO in Pictures

Cultural practitioners and organisations alongside educators, health workers and youth agencies came together at the John Hansard Gallery on 21 November 2022 for the Southampton Cultural Education Partnership (SCEP) EXPO.

Photographs: Nosa Malcolm

This well-attended event, the first in-person event for over two years, was held to showcase the diverse, cultural education offer of SCEP member organisations available for children and young people across Southampton. It included networking opportunities, a gallery tour, a stunning vocal performance by a student from Redbridge Community School. Sam Cairns, SCEP Transition Manager and Lucy Marder, Artswork presented how Arts Awards and Artsmark can enhance learning for children and different settings.

Louise Coysh, SCEP Interim Lead and Associate Director of Arts and Culture, University of Southampton, said, “The SCEP’s power is connecting people. It was amazing to have our growing community back together again, joined by our Creative Mentors and Cultural Connectors, to share the city’s exciting cultural offers and ambitions for children and young people.”

If you want to learn more about SCEP, become a member, hear about future events, or to join our mailing list, please email us

Continue reading SCEP EXPO in Pictures

Understanding Cultural Capital

How Arts and Culture can enhance Southampton School Curriculums

Connecting Culture, 2021.
A student at Mount Pleasant Junior School, Bevois, Southampton, with their Arts Award Discover certificate.
Connecting Culture Research Project, 2021.
A student at Mount Pleasant Junior School, Bevois, Southampton, with their Arts Award Discover certificate.

The SCEP is a consortium of diverse organisations working together, hosted by the University of Southampton, to nurture creative and cultural education for all children and young people in the City.  

This workshop, held online on Monday 4 July, is part of the SCEP Transition Programme training offer of Southampton Cultural Education Partnership (SCEP), in partnership with Artswork.  

Colleagues listened to five presentations given by cultural leaders and educators from the Cultural Learning Alliance, Mount Pleasant Junior School, The Polygon School, Redbridge Community School and Regents Park Community School, that discussed how they defined cultural capital in their own setting and how we could all work together across Southampton to ensure every child has an arts-rich education that develops their potential.  

Below is the introductory presentation to Cultural Capital. Additionally SCEP Members can view three of the five event presentations via the SCEP Sharepoint Site.*

What is Cultural Capital?  

Sam Cairns, Co-Director, Cultural Learning Alliance 

 *SCEP Membership is free and open to individuals and organisations engaging in cultural education for children and young people in Southampton. For more details and how to join, visit our Members page.



NEWSFLASH!! After a busy summer and a competitive tendering process we have successful recruited SCEP member SoCo to run the Creative Mentoring Scheme. We recognise a lot of the SCEP organisations have also had a busy summer with full programmes and annual leave over the holiday season. With this in mind we are extending the deadline for applications to the Creative Mentoring programme. The nominating organisation simply needs to complete a few questions on the form. This is a paid CPD opportunity for an early Career Creatives not to be missed.

  • Timescale: October 2022 – March 2023
  • Fee: £4,500.00 per mentor
  • Application Deadline: 4 October 5PM
  • Interview Dates:  12/13 October in Southampton

This opportunity is part of Southampton Cultural Education Partnership’s (SCEP) Better Lives Through Culture Programme, in partnership with Artswork.

This is a paid training opportunity open to early career creatives in Southampton to develop mentoring skills and provide 1-2-1 support to young people aged 11 – 18 years.  Successful candidates will be trained as Creative Mentors, developing their mentoring skills, knowledge and experience. Throughout the programme they will be supported to mentor a Southampton-based young person to achieve their goals.

The SCEP’s objective is to develop a cohort of Creative Mentors as local role models in Southampton, who will work directly with and inspire Children and Young People, including those from at risk, marginalised backgrounds or NEET (not in employment education or training).

What being a Creative Mentor involves

Six early career creatives will be trained as Creative Mentors, and mentor a young person over a six-month scheme, guiding them to gain confidence, connections and the advice they need to succeed in their chosen goal/subject/industry. With the support of a Creative Mentor Trainer, mentoring pairs will decide on each young person’s individual goals and work towards achieving them.

Each Mentoring pair will meet over an agreed number of sessions.

What is a Nominating Organisation and how will they support the Creative Mentor

The nominating organisation (person) is a cultural organisation that has a relationship with the early career creative. They simply need to fill in a few sections on a form to complete the application. This will take the nominating organisation 10 -15 minutes.

It is expected that mentoring meetings will be face to face at the nominating organisation, however some remote meetings may be necessary during the course of the programme, as well as email communication between sessions.

Early Career Creatives

This opportunity is open to early career creatives* who would benefit from this training opportunity to develop and grow their skills, knowledge and experience to support a diverse range of young people with their own creative aspirations.

*By early career creative, this means anyone who is at an early stage in their professional creative career. This includes recent school leavers or people who have recently made a career change into the cultural sector/creative industries.


A fee of £4,500.00 based on completing 42 days is available for each Creative Mentor.

As part of the Creative Mentoring Training scheme, participants will develop the skills and tools to be an effective mentor and will:

  • work with a trainer to develop their mentoring practice through small group training sessions.
  • Work with and support a young person to develop their own goals over an agreed number of sessions.
  • gain direct experience and transferable skills including coaching, safeguarding and structuring mentoring sessions.

Person Specification


  • An early career creative from any art form; including but not limited to visual arts, music, performing arts, written and spoken word, dance, film making and design.
  • Southampton based;
  • Experience of working with young people;
  • Good at problem solving and/or talking through issues;
  • Reliable and committed;
  • A good communicator;
  • Able to provide insight from your personal experience;
  • Willing to undertake a DBS Enhanced check.


  • Experience of supporting another person to develop personal goals. (You will be given training to do this);
  • Experience of working with vulnerable young people.

Timeline for Creative Mentor Scheme

Shortlisting for mentors from 5 October 2022

Interviewing of mentors 12/13 October 2022

Confirmation of outcomes of interviews for Mentors w/c 3 October 2022

Creative Mentor training and programme begins October 2022 – March 2023

Celebration event for Mentors and Mentees April 2023

Nomination Criteria:

  • Nominating cultural organisations must be SCEP members or willing to join the SCEP*
  • Candidates should self-define as early career creatives and have a connection to their nominating  organisation e.g. artist, freelancer, staff member, participant.
  • Nominating cultural organisations must provide a reference for their candidate, please see the section on the form marked ‘Questions for Nominating Organisation’.

* To join the SCEP you must be a Southampton-based cultural and/or educational organisation. For more information email

How to apply:

  • CANDIDATE:  Please complete the online form
  • NOMINATING ORGANISATIONS: Please complete the section on this form marked nominating organisation. Or email a word document answering the ‘Questions for Nominating Organisation’  as detailed in the online form to stating the name of the candidate at the beginning of the document.
  • DEADLINE: Submit the online application form (And Word document if applicable) by Tuesday 4 October 2022, 5pm
  • INTERVIEWS: To take place in 12/13 October in Southampton

Access Support & General Enquiries

We want to ensure the application process is accessible, and to give everyone the information they need to decide whether they might be suitable. If you require this description or any further information in a different format, or have questions before you apply, please get in touch with Jodie Sadler, Programme Manager, Better Lives Through Culture: please provide a contact telephone number. Please note that queries may not be answered immediately due to the working hours of the team.

We’re especially keen to hear from people who may have shared experience with our mentees, such as people who are Black, Asian or from a minoritised ethnic group, LGTBQIA+ people, disabled people and those who have identified as working class.

Cultural Curriculum: Schools & Education Settings Expression of Interest

Part of Better Lives Through Culture Programme, in partnership with Artswork

Artwork made by a young person in a workshop with artist Nazneen Ahmed

From September 2022, Southampton Cultural Education Partnership is piloting a Cultural Curriculum for Southampton.

Teachers and student will work together with creative practitioners to co-design and create a Cultural Curriculum for Southampton, that supports delivery of Cultural Capital and aligns with Southampton City Council’s Future Work framework which prioritises levelling up, skills development and social capital.

Continue reading Cultural Curriculum: Schools & Education Settings Expression of Interest