Are you passionate about how arts and culture can improve childrenâs lives/outcomes in Southampton? Apply to join Southampton Cultural Education Partnershipâs (SCEP) Steering Group and help deliver our priorities.

We are seeking to recruit members for our volunteer Steering Group who will oversee and drive forward our strategic priorities.
The Southampton Cultural Education PartnershipâŻ(SCEP) exists to nurture creative and cultural education for all children and young people in the city. We act as a backbone organisation for the arts and cultural education areas, uniting the education, youth and cultural sectors.
Strategic priorities and outcomes 2023-25
- Health & Wellbeing for children and young people through arts engagement
- Pathways & Progression
- Building a workforce for the future
The SCEP is seeking to appoint eight members of the Steering Group. Members will be appointed for a two year term and will commit to offering in kind support, which we estimate will between a half to one day a month.
Application deadline: Tuesday 13 June 2023
To apply, please complete this form:
For full details, see the application pack below. If you require information in an alternative format or need further assistance, please email