Southampton Cultural Education Partnership (SCEP) Workshop Monday 30 January, 4-6pm at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton

Photograph: Nosa Malcolm
Colleagues from across Southampton working with children and young people are warmly invited to take part in an active workshop mapping out the SCEP’s future work answering the question: what can we achieve for all children and young people in Southampton if we work together?
After time for networking, in small groups we will run an imaginary scenario activity asking how we would spend £2 million pounds on children and young people in Southampton, before discussing how we can work together using the ideas we generate to make real change.
This is a chance to come together as a sector, network, have your voice heard and be part of shaping the future of children and young people in the City and the work of the SCEP over 2023.
To RSVP email us with your name, job title and organisation.
SCEP supported by

Better Lives Through Culture supported by